Our focus would be on what are the correct metrics that are to be measured, what can be the pitfalls in doing so and what Continue Reading
Technology is changing Indian Farms
Technology is changing Indian Farms: Technology is playing an important role in driving agricultural activity. Irrigation is also privileged by cutting-edge water management solutions that Continue Reading
Silk Export – India
Introduction The cultivation of silk is known as sericulture. It is spread across 52,360 villages across India. Silk Industry is one of the highest Foreign Continue Reading
Engineering – GDP & Export – India
Introduction The engineering sector in India employs approx 40lakh skilled and semi-skilled labourers and grows at around 4 to 9 % on a yoy basis Continue Reading
Scenario Analysis: A Primer
Scenario Analysis provides valuable insight into the course of business. It is a financial model that has input parameters that are to be set and Continue Reading
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
In 1943 , Abraham Maslow published a paper The Theory of Human Motivation in Psychological Review. His paper focussed on human beings inherent urge to Continue Reading
Changes to Marketing in the 21st Century
New technology has ushered into the 21st century that has changed the functioning of the economy. Let us first take a look at how the Continue Reading
Building Customer Satisfaction, Value and Retention
Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance in today’s scenario as a satisfied customer is one of the biggest assets for any business. What makes a Continue Reading
How to get in and out of a downturn?
Making headways in a slowing economy is very difficult but one can always get into things like reorganisation of the company, streamlining delivery models, reducing Continue Reading
Tech Enablers in HR
Most business leaders would agree that the business environment is getting increasingly more complex and uncertain. Over the last decade, much of how businesses would Continue Reading