Want to crack GD/PI?

Lacking the skill of communication? So I’m here to give you some suggestions as to how will you enhance your skills in communication so that you will be able to crack your interview.

Ways to improve your communication skills:

We humans have become incredibly adept at communication. Thousands of complex spoken dialects are conveyed through the theory of relativity. It comes as no surprise to us then that our ability to communicate directly depends on our ability to get on well with others. But this does not only happen in case of job interviews. Not only do you need to grow your skill effectively, but also you need to build a rapport too.

So, if you are getting ready for an interview, find out how you can improve your communication skills.

Eye contact and expression:

While communicating with the interviewer, your eyes play a vital role that indicating of how you feel. They help to convey important signals like your interest level, confidence as also intent. Be sure to maintain regular eye contact and not to hover your sight all around the room.

Be prepared for any kind of questions. If they ask you anything that you are passionate about, let it show on your face. A professional look doesn’t mean robotic and most employers want to hire professional people. Smiling can also do wonders in some cases.


Talk slowly:

It’s the human tendency to fill into awkward silence with unnecessary conversation when you actually feel anxious or nervous. Talking calmly or slowly not only shows that you are in control of your emotions but also it helps in understanding the interviewer and the personality that you possess.


Communication skills are not just the ability to articulate yourself, but also encompassing your listening skills. There’s nothing worse than hearing somebody who will answer a question you know that they haven’t fully listened to. Listen deeply to what the interviewer says from the very step you walk in. By picking up some exact things from the entire interview and asking specific questions on that, they’ll know you’re quite attentive, which is quite crucial at your workplace. ‘

Speak with confidence:

There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. You have the abilities that are fine, but it’s not enough for you to believe in those abilities alone. You have to convince the interviewer that you’re right for this job role. This requires a bit of self selling which most people find difficult. The best thing to do is to keep practicing. Go through the CV to remember what skills that you have added, because you will be asked about them.

Re-read the job specialization. Plus keep yourself proud of what you’ve achieved so far. So don’t be nervous while discussing your skills and achievements.

Selection of correct word and limited speech:

A good vocabulary helps you in the long run but usage of complicated language will come over as ingenious at best or uncomfortable at worst. Your interviewer is also looking for industrial terminology, methodologies, and other familiar phrases that suggest that you are quite aware of the profile you have selected.

Limited speech should be maintained:

Talking too much can give you a grave error. Rambling also can tell the interviewer many things but ultimately you lack the confidence, skills, or experience required. Shorter answers that the correct approach rightly says that you are a sharpshooter when it comes to your work. Be succinct and only talk as much as required to address your job profile.

So, get ready for your Interview. Hope you will have a bright future ahead!!