Silk Export – India


The cultivation of silk is known as sericulture. It is spread across 52,360 villages across India. Silk Industry is one of the highest Foreign exchange earners for India. In terms of ranking in silk production, India comes second after China.
It provided employment to over 86 lakhs people in India in FY-17-18.


1. India exported silk worth US$255.93 million approx to the USA in 2017-18.

2. These exported silk products include readymade garments, fabrics, made up, silk wastes and others in that particular order of exports (in US$).

3. SIlk carpet is predominantly exported to the US, the UAE, Belgium, Germany and Italy.

4. Export of sill waste stood at US$15.69 million in FY 17-18.

INDIAN SILK PROMOTION COUNCIL (ISEPC) is a major body in India that facilitates silk trading to various countries all over the world by facilitating
meetings between potential buyers and traders, developing a framework to make silk accessible to all , organising trade shows etc.