Principles of HR

Company’s / HR’s approach to an employee should be wholistic in the sense the HR has to consider the fact that the employee has a world outside the organisation and his/her deliverance is affected by everything h/she is associated with. So due deliberation has to be done to not unjustly affect his/her life.

People make an organisation – So the have to be valued for their contribution.

Discrimination of any type, such as those based on gender, race, caste, s an offence punishable by law and moreover, it brings down the efficiency of the organisation.

HRM is different from other fields in the way that it deals with people who have feelings and emotions. So due value should be given to the correct responses.

Any kind of rewards or appreciation should be conferred against due performance.

Keeping employees in dark and depriving them of relevant information is a serious harm being inflicted upon the individuals and the company.

Employees have a lot of potential and talent that can do wonders if utilized in a proper way. HR has to work towards that goal.

People come higher up in the order of the universe so the treatment meted out to them should be different from that meted out to say machines, office stationery etc. This will boost the organisation’s performance.

According to Herzberg, employee growth is terms of knowledge, skill is to be enhanced so that the individual performs well and that would lead to the betterment of the organisation.

According to Fayol, individual interests come after the organisation’s interests. The best case is when both levels are aligned in the same direction.

HR programme must be able to convince the employees and non-employees (through CSR) alike to learn and grow for the better.