Engineering – GDP & Export – India


The engineering sector in India employs approx 40lakh skilled and semi-skilled labourers and grows at around 4 to 9 % on a yoy basis (for the last 10 years or so). It is responsible for 31.46 % ( at constant prices) of total GDP as for FY- 2018-19.

Engineering goods export from India plays a significant role in earning significant revenue for India.

# Engineering goods export from India comprises 20-25 % of total merchandise exports from India (based on last 5 years data). It has been on the upswing for the last 4-5 years.

# Top contributors to the exports from the Engineering sector are first Iron & Steel followed by Automobiles and then other industries.

# Top buyer countries have increased their purchase from India over the last couple of years- with the USA accounting for approx 14 % of the total exports followed by other countries such as the UAE, China, Italy all accounting for 1-5 % of total exports. These countries are among the top 10 export destinations of engineering goods from India.


EEPC India with more than 13000 members (business entities) facilitates export from the Engineering Industry.