
An organisation is made of people among other things. Whenever people are present there cannot be absence of emotions- hormones always come into play. So we talk of emotional intelligence for the well being of the human resource.

Every MNC has people from different cultures and sensitivities, particularly with the culture of globalization, so it is the imperative of the business management to be responsive to their emotions but in the correct way. This necessitates the requirement of an emotionally intelligent workforce.
Emotion Intelligence is taking into consideration one’s own emotions as well as that of others.
The 4 tenets of EI as prescribed by Daniel Goleman are –
1. Self Awareness
2. Self Management
3. Social Awareness
4. Relationship Management or Social skills

A leader is in a position to influence. H/she can be a positive influence and play an important role in building an excellent team and one should always choose to be so. However, there have been instances of negative leadership goading a mass into destructive actions like – Osama Bin Laden.
In management lingo – the Positive thing is known as Resonance and the negative thing is known as Dissonance.

A leader has to be self-aware of what he says and how he behaves including his body language. If there is a slight discrepancy in what he thinks and what he says- and his body language is not good enough to portray his right beliefs and thoughts- the message does not go down well with his audience.
A leader has to act as a role model to others- so he has to have correct thoughts, correct everything.
This applies to even all public personalities like sportsperson, army chiefs, politicians as they are observed by the general public.

As a leader, h/she has to be aware of his/her capabilities as well as be able to know, analyse and develop his/her teammates’ abilities.

Emotional Intelligence plays an important role in the aforementioned job. EI also plays a significant role in making a team coherent and efficient without any loss of fellow feeling and motivation.

EI can be developed with proper practice and is crucial to any company’s success.