7 Cs of effective communication

The 7 Cs of effective communication are to be applied to both written and verbal communications. They are as follows-

  1. Completeness – Communication must be complete in the sense it should have everything that will make the listener absorb such as the mindset, background of the listeners and all the essential appendages that will make the piece an understandable one for audience or readers.
    • It makes the company reputable.
    • It reduces cot by delivering all in one delivery.
    • It does not leave to the reader or listener any blanks.
    • A well-informed decision is always better than an ill-informed one.
    • It influences and persuades its readers or listeners.
  2. Conciseness – Communication as to be done in the least possible word without any superfluous sentences or irrelevant information.
    • It saves time and cost.
    • It highlights only the main and essential points.
    • It is more appealing for its listeners or readers.
    • It is non-repetative in nature.
  3. Consideration – This means the language and words be should be such that the targeted receiver should be able to understand- education level, background, mindset, emotions, etc should be taken into consideration while framing the piece or speaking.
    • Connect individually as well as on the whole.
    • Feel interested in the responses of the audience or readers.
    • Try to remain positive.
  4. Clarity – It should be pointwise and gradual so that it is clear.
    • It makes understanding the piece easier.
  5. Concreteness – Support the piece with facts and figures
    • It builds a reputation.
    • It does not create confusion.
  6. Courtesy – It should be polite, decorous and not needlessly aggressive.
  7. Correctness – It should be truthful and there should be no language errors. It should be verified before delivery.

These 7 factors will help in making anyone an effective communicator.