The Cinderella Phenomenon

The viewpoints attached to shopping or marketing is of primary importance in that which we will describe as the Cinderella Phenomenon.

Brand Solutions

Well thought experimentation from the buyers’ side is a driver to the ideas of marketing strategies from the company side.

Shoes make us happy

Buying shoe is one such area where our requirements coalesce with our emotions/desires/ fashion sense.

It takes some real effort for the salesperson to come up with the shoe (from a myriad of options), in this case, that takes the buyer’s breath away and h/she instantly falls in love with the product.

The way the salesperson answers all the questions of the buyer to help him/her arrive at the best choice / perfect fit is splendid. That person answers everything from whether the material will loosen out , whether the colour is a fad etc etc .

Cinderella Insight: We actually go for the choice that we love and not for the one that is solely a perfect fit for us.

Brands can make use of the customer responses in providing not only better customer services in future but also designing products that cater to the fashion senses of their customers.

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