Meditation – Smart Edge Keeping You Ahead Sat, 12 Sep 2020 12:18:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Meditation – Smart Edge 32 32 Things to do in Lock-down Sun, 19 Jul 2020 16:46:02 +0000 Gaining Knowledge: – Reading books. Read Newspaper & Articles. Learning different language. Learning Coding or any programming language. Go for Online courses to make your Continue Reading

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Gaining Knowledge: –

  • Reading books.
  • Read Newspaper & Articles.
  • Learning different language.
  • Learning Coding or any programming language.
  • Go for Online courses to make your Resume strong.
  • Students pursuing CAT & MAT got a huge time to learn and practice more.

Health is important: –

  • Meditation, is necessary to keep our mind stable in this pandemic situation.
  • Exercise, for 30 minutes will keep our whole body fit & energetic for whole day.
  • Be Happy, as happiness is a joy that also keeps people healthy from inside.
  • To keep our house clean, to breath a fresh air & from germs also.

Different Skills to Learn: –

  • To Manage our Money – As teenagers are very freckle minded, they spend huge money without thinking, so learn to manage money & its concept to use in a perfect manner & to save from it equally.
  • Cooking Skills – Teenagers leave out from home for studies and job, cooking can help them out.
  • Handling of Small Household Emergencies – Like changing bulb, small works on electrical appliances, changing gas cylinder, etc.
  • To maintain our Wardrobe & our Book self – In this extra time we should clean our important places to keep ourselves save and healthy.
  • Learn to Manage Time – We should learn the importance of time and to use this time by doing every work in a perfect manner.

Depends on Mood: –  

  • Time for Hobby & Interests – In this lock-down we can go to our flashback to reestablish our hobby & interests & to spend time with us.
  • Spending Time with our Family & Relatives – To recall the old times which were spent together that will give a positive approach among us to fill-up with joy.
  • Gardening – It will tell use about the importance of our nature, its fresh air and its beauty and happiness.

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7 Hobbies that will make you smarter Thu, 28 Nov 2019 09:54:16 +0000 1. Reading How it works: It enables to see the unknown and tackle headlong. It shows the right and the wrong. Also, it increases knowledge and Continue Reading

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1. Reading

How it works: It enables to see the unknown and tackle headlong. It shows the right and the wrong. Also, it increases knowledge and sharpens ones’ brain.

2. Meditation

How it works: It keeps one’s mind and body healthy and makes good use of time.

3. Playing an Instrument

How it works: It enhances motor skills, creativity, concentration and memory.

4. Physical Exercise

How it works: It betters physical elements such as muscles, body cells, blood circulation, organs etc.

5. Brain Games

How it works: It is the exercise for the brain -sudoku, crosswords, puzzles etc. It sharpens our brain.

6. Learning a Language

How it works: It strengthens brain functionalities such as memory, planning etc.

7. Travelling

How it works: It removes stress and provides valuable time for introspection and reflection. It increases knowledge and wisdom.

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