Six Sigma – An introduction

Six sigma is a process to reduce variations across production batches. Six Sigma methodology can achieve 3.4 defects in 1 million or 10,00000 units.

Purpose of 6 Sigma –

1. To reduce defect

2. To reduce defect

3. To improve yield/productivity

4. To enhance customer satisfaction

5. To improve the bottom line

6. To improve the top line

7. To shorten the production cycle time.

Sigma Level Vs Number of Variations

Sigma LevelNumber of variations per Million
2 Sigma308537
3 Sigma66807
4 Sigma6210
5 Sigma233
6 Sigma3.4

Evolution of Six Sigma-

Six Sigma came into existence to address the following issues and achieve the following objectives-

1. To meet the rising customer expectations for better quality and variation.

2. To achieve substantial improvement in production/productivity.

3. To beat global competition from the Chinese and the Japanese.

History of the origin of Six Sigma –

The then Motorola CEO Bob Galvin on facing stiff competition from the Japanese manufacturers, in 1980, decided to improve productivity 10 times over a period of 5 years . In this process, the techniques of Six Sigma came into existence.

In 1990, the then CEO of GE Jack Welch introduces Six Sigma in a big way.