Seven days until CAT 2021

Seven days until CAT 2021: Before proceeding to academic affairs, remember that CAT is not a way of life. It’s just one of many ways to help you reach your long-term life and career goals. And after all, CAT is the kind of test you’ve ever taken. So stay calm, patient, take the exam based on your income, and do your best on the exam day. 

 Sunday Analyze all mock created so far. Check the partial and total scores, as well as the general time spent answering questions across different topics. The 

 needs to know whether to include geometric questions or algebra at the beginning of the exam. 

 What level of questions do you need to solve from numbers, PnC, and probabilities? How much time do you need to divide into reading and  other questions in the  


 Strong in reasoning and data interpretation, or both Is it the same level? 

 This will help you finish the exam strategy and use it to mock up on Sunday. Analyze the mock in detail and work on the loopholes identified based on the mock analysis. 

Seven days until CAT exam:-


 Take a full-length sample test. You should take the test in the same time frame that you scheduled the test. He adjusts your body and brain to function  100% during the exam. Then, for the rest of the day, you’ll have to relax and take 12 topic tests each from reading comprehension, geometry, and logic DI. 


Take the practice exam you took on Monday without time pressure. It doesn’t matter if you can’t answer all 100 questions or even 75 questions. The idea is that after considering the solutions to these questions, you need to be accustomed to solving these questions. Analyze performance at the topic level and compare it to Monday’s timed attempts. Identify and fix the identified loopholes. After that, take another trial test on time. And surely, I should have been able to improve my score compared to Monday’s performance. 


 Try the latest CAT article from the previous year. It could be any annual work from CAT2002 to CAT2007. This gives you the confidence to face the actual exam on November 26, 2017. Once that’s done, there’s one particular topic that’s of interest throughout the preparation. It’s a para cutter, set theory, geometry, and it only solves questions about that particular topic. Previous mock. You probably won’t be able to solve many of these, but once you’ve considered a solution, you’re confident in solving a simple question on that particular topic. Trying to win before taking the exam is a psychological battle. 


  Revise all quantitative aptitude formulas. There are many formulas and tricks that need to be modified in QA, although they are rarely modified in sections such as logical reasoning and language proficiency. Take the RC topic test and the data interpretation topic test. Follow the steps above to resolve another current CAT paper from the previous year. Analyze both papers of the actual CAT resolved. 


If a particular topic is causing the biggest problem from previous CAT essays that worked on Wednesday and Thursday, and that topic is generally strong or medium, go ahead and get the last 810. Get one mock. So far this year, please raise all the questions from such topics again. 

The best way to spend the day before the exam on Saturday is to stay away from friends, relatives, friends, and others who are over-pressured on their performance at CAT. In the evening, hang out with someone who is trying not to think about the exam and go to bed early. Eat lightly at home and avoid beer and drinks. Find out the exact location of the test center. Make sure you have all the documents you need to carry and keep them in one place. 

 Find out how long it actually takes to reach the venue from where you live. 

 Go and sleep well. 

 Remember, hard work is never unpaid, and if you worked honestly for the CAT exam, you will not fail the exam or your score. 

 You are sure to be rewarded for your dedication and effort. 

 And once the CAT is complete, we should focus on non-CAT tests as not all eggs should be in one basket. We wish you all the best in CAT 2021.(Seven days until)

Seven days until CAT 2021