9 HR Terms

1. Digital HR

It involves the use of technology to improve HR practices and make them more efficient.

All HR processes are being digitised to some extent. Application portals etc are used to automatically do jobs like screening CVs, Analysing persona (like a smiling face 🙂 ) from videos and the likes.


SMAC is the enabler of Digital HR. SMAC stands for social, mobile, analytics, and cloud in that particular order

SMAC based services generally refer to the use of analytics on data obtained from media, cloud to arrive at conclusions and then strategise.

3. Digital transformation

Digital transformation is the changes in HR process brought about by digitalisation.

Successful transformations is all about covering the distance from ‘shiny object syndrome’ and real business impact.


4. Digital workforce

It refers to the workforce that executes jobs with the help of digital technology like data analytics, technology automation and connectivity.

5. Agile HR

Any HR that follows the below-mentioned principles of work is an Agile HR.

  • Individuals and processes go over processes and tools.
  • Working software goes over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration goes over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change goes over following a plan.

The concept of Agile HR came in while collaborating on IT projects.

6. People analytics

People analytics or HR analytics is the application of quantitative techniques using software to accurately describe and analyse workmanship to solve business probems. There are various kind of Analytics like Descriptive, Predictive etc. All these are made available to the working HR through online or connected software platforms.


Source: Gartner, a technology research firm

7 & 8. Real-time & On-demand

HR of this type is primarily concerned with analysing people on various parameters right after interaction or perusal of information- with the help of tools & techniques .

9. Strategy HR

Strategy HR chalks out plans of further action relating to HR activities after getting inputs from various sources and analysing them. In today’s world, they rely heavily on technological aids like analytics and connectivity.